
Attic Insulation

We know you love wildlife, but we also know that getting wildlife in your attic can be devastating. That's why we've got the best team to assess the issue and recommend solutions based on your needs.

If you're not exactly sure what those needs are, don't worry—we'll figure it out for you! We'll get up there and assess what kind of insulation is best for your home. Our team uses blown cellulose insulation for your attic as well as installs baffles over vents to prevent any future problems.

We also want to make sure that your energy efficiency is improved as well. That's why we add more insulation than we remove so that when all is said and done, your home will be more comfortable than ever before.

  • Wild bees and honeycomb in the attic

  • Spraying cellulose insulation on the wall

  • Construction worker thermally insulating house attic with glass wool

Based on the negative aspects associated with having wildlife in your attic, it is vital to have professionals handle the situation. We offer thorough cleanouts due to the soiling and wildlife infestation. Accumulating too much dirt mixed with wildlife soil and infestation could harm your health. We clean your attic, not leaving any wildlife animals or earth behind. Once we offer our wildlife animal services, you should have a clean attic with replaced insulation in case of initial damage, ensuring the wildlife animals do not return.

Free Wildlife Inspection & Quote

Attic and/or Crawl Space - Remediations (Cleanout)

Whether you have a mouse infestation, piles of bat guano everywhere or squirrels nesting in your insulation, Access Ohio has the skills and experience to get you back to where you need to be, or better! Our crews use high powered vacuums to extract soiled insulation and nesting materials with little to no disruption to your life in the house. We use commercial grade disinfectants, sanitizers and virucides to kill any harmful bacteria and eliminate the bad smells before we put the new insulation in that helps to prevent future infestations. 

You don’t have to have wildlife to add insulation. Hot rooms upstairs or high energy bills? We can add to your existing insulation with little trouble and for little money, most of the time. Our insulation provides thermal, acoustic and PEST CONTROL benefits that you can’t beat. Check out TAP Pest Control Insulation for more information. 

Call today for a free quote and recommendations to maximize your efficiency. 

New Builds

Protect your investment and start off on the right track. TAP Pest Control cellulose insulation provides the highest R Value, pound for pound, and is the most efficient way to reduce energy waste and decrease overall inefficiency. Contact us today for a free quote to install TAP Pest Control Insulation in your new build or addition to prevent moisture/mold issues, extend the amount of time you have to fix a leak and prevent infestations of mice and/or insects. 

Access Ohio Wildlife Services, LLC will evaluate your ventilation needs and all quotes will include consideration for proper air flow in the attic. Our quotes may include removing insulation from soffit bays, adding baffles to facilitate air flow and the addition of knee walls to prevent insulation from clogging venting areas. 

Access Ohio Wildlife Services, LLC uses TAP Pest Control blown cellulose insulation wherever possible, and unless otherwise noted. 

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