Wildlife Services

Exclusion Service

Sealing the obvious openings is important, but the real key is in planning ahead. Animals that have made a home will fight to get back to it and we need to be ready for that. Everyone knows that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”, and by reinforcing common entry points that we know can be used to get back in, Access Ohio Wildlife Services, LLC ensures that you won’t be bothered again anytime soon! If an intruder makes a new hole somewhere else, our warranty covers the problem without costing you another dime. Our Exclusion service is the most comprehensive in the business and includes screening and or sealing all openings, vents, pipes, penetrations, etc in a way that will last! 

*Rodent exclusions require attention to the smallest of openings, mainly at ground level. A rodent exclusion may be offered if they are the only pest evident to avoid costs incurred by sealing the roof, soffits, facia, etc. 

  • Chipmunk in live humane trap

  • raccoon inside the attic

  • captured snake

Deterrents & Conducive Conditions

The best way to deal with wildlife is to never have it at all. You might have branches on a tree hanging over the roof that helps squirrels get to the roof or clogged gutters providing a feeding and watering trough. Removal of these “conducive conditions” can go a long way towards stopping the problem before it even starts. Our team will identify and conditions like this at your house and we’ll make recommendations that you can put in place or not! It’s up to you!

In some cases, deterrents are helpful to give extra motive to stay away! Our technicians will carefully evaluate the situation and will strategically apply products that make small animals afraid to come around, or that makes them uncomfortable if they do so they won’t stay long. 

*Deterrents are great for prevention, but do little to evict an animal that has already moved in.  Application of deterrents should always be used in conjunction with other components of a plan. Most wildlife situations require a comprehensive plan that takes all conditions into account, so beware of anyone who tells you that their way is the only way.

Removal and/or Trapping

If your intruder has already expired, we can come and remove and dispose of them before they start stinking... hopefully! Sometimes, we have to get them OUT the old-fashioned way! Anything running around will require a plan to trap and remove them from the site. Doing it the wrong way can cause serious damage to your home and harm to your or the target pest. Our team has the experience and the tools to get the job done correctly, fast, and with little additional damage and/or inconvenience to the homeowner. This can include live traps inside the home, in the yard or on the roof or a one-way door on the hole they used to get in so when they leave, that’s it! Whatever it takes, WE ARE READY & WILLING!

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